Friday, January 16, 2009

Gentlemens Tea Party

I'm very sad that I have no pictures of a recent "Men's Tea Party" that I attended, but that's life, I guess. I guess it wasn't technically a tea party, but I think it was close enough to qualify.
Last Sunday, we invited David's old missionary companion over for dinner. The night ended up being a Chilean night where we had "Once", meaning we ate Chilean food and drank Cafe. (I believe that this drink can be made by burning toast as black as you can get it, and then putting this piece of char into a blender, hitting frappe, and then adding hot water to the mixture. You can buy it at the store under the name of Pero or Postum.) We ate Completos also which are like hot dogs, but you add tomatoes and crushed avocados, ketchup and the special Chilean Mayo. I felt like I needed to go tracting after eating such a monster sized hot dog. It was really yummy though.
The night was filled with David and Curtis recalling memories of their time in Chile. It was so much fun to be able to hear some stories about this turning point time in Davids life. I'm excited for the next time.

1 comment:

Jacci said...

you always do the cutest things! I am jealous you went to Arizona. It looked really warm! next time you are up here and you have some free time we need to get together!