Friday, March 27, 2009

Funny Things

Mckinley has been saying some pretty funny things since the time she could talk. But just in the past couple of days, she has been coming up with some stuff that has had David and me cracking up.
I sometimes hold Mckinley like a baby and say things to her like: " I love that nose" or "I love those pretty eyelashes. " Sometimes she says things back to me like, " I love your Cheeks mommy. " For the past few days, my allergies have been crazy because of springtime coming, so I had a really runny nose a few days ago, and I was holding Mckinley and telling her all the little things I love about her. In the sweetest voice ever she looked up at me and said, "Mommy, I love your boogers." I laughed so hard. You don't find that kind of love every day.
We've also been reading "Chocolate Fever," to Mckinley for the past few days. If you have read the book, it's about a little boy who eats too much Chocolate and so he starts getting these little brown freckle spots all over his body. (She has been so worried about her daddy because he seems to have a serious case of Chocolate fever. Judging by all of his freckles, he has had WAY too much Chocolate.) In the middle of the night, I could hear that Mckinley was awake so I went in to put her back to sleep. This was the conversation:
Mckinley: Mommy, you know my head?
Me: yeah?
Mckinley: I think it hurts.
Me: It does? What's the matter?
Mckinley: I think it's got Chocolate Fever.
Me: Oh dear. You better get right to sleep, so you'll get feeling better.
Mckinley: Ok. Tell Daddy.(This means to have her daddy come in and talk to her. She has us both wrapped around her finger, and we just about always do whatever she wants us to.)

It's so fun to have a little girl who keeps us laughing all the time.


Anonymous said...

I think you have more chocolate fever than Dave does. It's so nice to know that you are related to someone who thinks of breakfast exactly like you do....Dr. Pepper and a Reese's. I'm sure MJ will continue this time honored tradition in our family.

Sheri said...

haha, what a cutie pants! Chocolate fever freckles --love it.

Meridy said...

So funny.

Don't worry, our kids tell us what to do too. :)