Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Play More! When was the last time you ate snow?

I have been slow to post because my little family has been sick. All. Week. Long. During this sick week, we stayed inside, had several soup nights including a homemade chicken noodle soup night, and on one of the days there was a big storm that brought a ton of snow. We all wanted to go out and play in it, but instead, I was reminded of the snow cone kits I gave to my neighbors this year for Christmas. We had a lot of fun making these kits and they were very budget friendly too. We began by making the snow cone syrup. We followed this very easy recipe:

Snow Cone Syrup:
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 packet of unsweetened Kool-aid mix

Mix all ingredients together in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Pour into a water bottle or snow cone dispenser bottle.Pour over fresh packed snow for snowcones. (only use fresh, clean snow.)

While the snow cone syrup was cooling, we decorated our snow cone cups. These were just clear plastic cups that we decorated with scrapbook paper. We also clipped colored straws to fit better into the cups. Then we sent Daddy out to make perfectly rounded packed snow cones from the snow outside. We poured the topping on (And drizzled some cream on top to mimic snowasis snowcones.) and we all felt magically better for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love it Abby! You guys are just too cute!