Friday, July 15, 2011

Still Here!

I'm posting from work today because our computer is messed up again. I'm such a technologically impaired person haha! But I wanted to let everyone know that we're still here and having a fun summer! We got a new camera so as soon as the computer is working again you should see some nicer pictures around here! yay! Rome is growing so fast, he's getting nice and chubby and he's still being such a little sweatheart of a baby. I think I would say that even if he was a naughty one, but he really is an easy little guy to take care of. Dolce had seizures 2 days in a row over 4th of July weekend. We are in the process of bringing her iron levels up, but it takes several weeks so hopefully things will start getting better that way as time goes on. We're trying to avoid putting her on seizure medication, at the direction of the neurologist, because she has what they call Provoked, Partial seizures. If she is put on medication for them, she will have to be on the medication for at least 2 years even if she grows out of breath holding, which is what provokes the seizures. David and I are having quite a hard time with this because we sometimes feel like we are witholding medication that she might need because we don't want her to need it. It's very tough, but in every other way, Dolce is doing really well. Mckinley is getting so excited to start kindergarten in just a few weeks! Sometimes she is actually 13 years old rather than 5. Like yesterday when she told David and I that we were "sicking her out," because we kissed. Haha! Hope everyone is having a great summer!

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