Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Book Pumpkin

This was such a fun and easy project. I saw the idea from a Ucreate post. I'm such a sucker for any decoration that uses bookprint so I really couldn't resist this. To make this, find a pretty thick paperback book. You can thrift these for 50 cents usually. Remove the cover and back cover of the book. Now on the front page of the book. Draw a half circle or you could experiment with a different variation of a half circle. Now take some scissors and cut around the shape. (I was able to accurately cut out about 5 papers at a time.) Cut all the way through to the spine of the book. Now, you will have pieces above and below the pumpkin shape. Pull these off, leaving the middle pumpkin shape. (To pull them off, just pull them away from the spine of the book.) Now keep tracing your pumpkin shape and cutting around it through the book. When you've finished your cutting, you'll be ready to attach the front cover to the back cover, making the pages fan out. I used hot glue for this step. You may also need to use the glue to keep some of the pages fanned out.
Now you're ready to paint your pumpkin. You don't need a lot, just enough to ink the edges of the papers. Now find a short little stick and stick it in the hole at the top of the book. Glue it really well and then tie a ribbon around it and you're done!


Erica said...

I LOVE THIS!!!! I am totally making one. Thanks Abs!

David and Jessica said...

That is REALLY cute. And it looks easy, so its right up my alley. I'm gonna try it! Thanks