Friday, August 7, 2009

100 days to go and some fun snacks!

Mckinley and I made some really fun snacks just barely. These are edible fish aquariums!

It looks kinda gross if you don't realize that the blue water is actually just colored cream cheese, not icing, spread over four club crackers. If you soften the cream cheese a bit in the microwave it becomes more spreadable. Then we put aquatic "plants" made out of celery on the bottom of the tank. The "sand" is crushed rice crispy cereal. Mckinley wanted to make a sand castle in hers, so we used more club crackers for it. We finished the project off by adding a school of baby goldfish. Yumm! If you wanted to do a sweet version of this snack, you could make a zoo of animal crackers,(substitute icing for the cream cheese if you want.) We had a lot of fun making and eating our aquariums, so see what creations you can come up with.

Another fun thing about today is that we are now just 100 days away from when our baby is due. It feels like this time around I am having more fun with the pregnancy because I haven't felt sick much, and we already have just about everything that we will need for the baby. I'm also not in school this time, so that helps keep my stress levels down. Mckinley asks us every day about her little sister and is so worried about the whole thing. We have been doing a lot of reassuring with her because she already seems to be feeling a little displaced. She has been our baby for so long that I think she is worried that she wont be anymore. Don't worry Mckinley, there is plenty of love to go around. We have been very relieved to see our ultrasound and see that everything seems to be going really well with the baby. I was having trouble with one of my kidneys at the beginning of the pregnancy and wasn't able to take prenatal vitamins. So it was reassuring to see that she was healthy.
None of my regular clothes fit. I had to resort to bigger sizes and maternity clothes about a month and a half ago, whereas with Mckinley, I only had two maternity outfits because my regular clothes stopped being comfortable just a couple of weeks before I had her. Much different this time. I can tell I'm going to get bigger with this baby. This is me at 25 weeks and five days. Tomorrow we will be in double digits. Woo Hoo! (oh yeah. David says my face is fatter than usual. Nice.)


Meridy said...

You look fabulous!

Those aquariums are DARLING!

Amber said...

You look AWESOME!! I'm already as big as I was the day I delivered Cadence.... it's not just my face that's bigger. Oh the joys of skin that's already been stretched before.

I'm glad all is well for your wee one! I couldn't take prenatals with Jack either and it made me totally paranoid. I still wonder sometimes if he turns out to be a serial killer if I could have prevented it with vitamins. Zach thinks I'm a little crazy but we mother's get all the blame so it makes sense to be a little paranoid! (Not that I'm saying your baby will be a serial killer - just Jack - hopefully not) I should delete this but I'm not going to because hopefully you'll laugh a little.

Anonymous said...

Those aquariums are hilarious. I really love the celery seaweed. And it's high time you fattened up a bit. Now I think you are very close to my size. Yay!

Erica said...

You are such a cute Mommy. I loved those snacks you made! You are so stinkin' creative.

It was so much fun seeing you guys this weekend. We were so impressed with how Kinners could entertain herself. I mean, the ENTIRE time we were talking she did her own thing and just played. It was cute how at dinner she just got up.. walked across the restaurant and got her own booster seat.

She is a very independent little girl. I love it!
Anyway, you looked great and NO your face is NOT fat. :)

Wood Family said...

What yummy treats! You always have something fun you are doing! You look fabulous!

Kjersti said...

These treats are such a good idea! very cute. :)