Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas tree hunting

The day before Thanksgiving, we went and cut down our own Christmas tree with my cousin Josh and his wife Angie. David had said a few weeks ago that he had never had a real Christmas tree and so we thought it would be fun to have one this year.( We usually put up a white artificial tree that is such a peach to put together every year.)
If you have ever chopped down your own Christmas tree, you might be aware that there is more to the experience than just cutting down any old tree. You have to find the PERFECT tree and how will you know it's the perfect one unless you have looked at every other tree on the mountain? The perfect tree might be right next to the road in an ideal location where you could chop it down and have it land easily in your truck bed, but you have to make sure that there isn't a better one out there.
This year, it was a day of fun that started in Duck Creek village where we shared a pizza at Hot Mamma's. Then we drove over to Mammoth Caves. We went through one of the caves which was a new adventure for me. I can't believe I have lived here forever and never even knew the caves were there. One of the caves is blocked off because of some dangerous drop offs in it, but we went through one that was pretty cool and had some tight squeeze through parts. Mckinley really loved it and wanted to go through it again when were done.
Josh and David tried to convince us to get a Cedar tree because we live in Cedar. But Angie and I both held out and got pretty blue spruces. I originally wanted this one, but David thought it might be a little too tall. This sled was a good idea. Mckinley got to have a ride through the snowy parts.
"The PERFECT one."....and the tree is a good one too.
Josh said that he might look like a nerd with the headlight, but at least he would have his hands free to fight off the bears inside the cave. Mckinley thought he was serious about the bears. Haha.
David and Mckinley at the mouth of one of the caves.

We had such a fun time. Thanks Josh and Angie!

1 comment:

Erica said...

McKinley looks like she is freezing on that sled... but she seems to be taking it well!