Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Crawling lessons

At five months to the day, Dolce started trying to crawl. She had been so fussy for several weeks when her big sister played with her. She has been so frustrated that she can't keep up with everything Mckinley does. Mckinley is definitely her favorite person and she wants to do everything she does. I love watching them interact and Mckinley is very good at playing with her. Sisters have a very unique bond don't they? On this day, Dolce was trying so hard to play with Mckinley, and Mckinley stopped what she was doing to give her baby sister some tips. I love these pictures because I don't know who is more frustrated, Dolce or Mckinley. Mckinley is really sharing in the emotion of learning how to crawl.

1 comment:

Sunni said...

These are darling photos. I can't believe that she's getting big enough to start crawling! And of course, big sister always knows best. Believe me, she does.