Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My July book of the Month

I have been wanting to post a monthly book pick. I'm hoping to incorporate some variety. For July, I have wanted some summery reading, and I was realizing that I have never read a western. So, with that in mind, I went to the library. I'm told that no one writes western like Louis L'amour, and after just a few pages, I would certainly have to agree. This was adventure at it's best. Really, the stuff that started America. Cowboy hat's, gunfights, shoot outs, train robbery, and stampedes.
If you are looking for an exciting western thrill Pick up:

The Man From Skibbereen by Louis L'amour

1 comment:

Sunni said...

Abby, this is shocking. Almost as bad as a harlequin romance. Have you read your harlequin's yet? It's only fair to see how those compare. I read my first Louis L'Amour in 3rd grade on recommendation from Mrs. Shakespeare! Ha ha ha!