Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Dolly!

Dolly had her one year old birthday today! I can't believe that it's already been a year with this little angel. She has developed such a personality. At one year old:
She walks all over the place. She's still very bowlegged and pigeon toed, but that doesn't stop her.
She gets in to everything she can. We have had to put child locks on cupboards to keep her from pulling everything out.
She loves bath time. I can hardly get her to sit down in the bath tub. She is always standing up playing with the toys.
She's still very attached to her mommy.
She has a very big smile, with 5 teeth.
She wont sit in her stroller very long. She wants to be held by mommy.
She hates her high chair and wants to be fed while mommy holds her.
She dances whenever she hears music. She bounces up and down.
She has a favorite winnie the pooh stuffed animal that she loves. Any toy her sister is currently playing with is also her favorite. Mckinley is learning a lot about sharing.
She still wakes up at least once and usually twice at night. But she goes to bed right at 9pm.
Most days, she just takes one nap.
She is a very picky eater. She spits things out if they aren't the perfect temperature or what she is expecting.
She knows that her Daddy is wrapped around her finger and she always smiles so big for him. Most men she is very shy with, but not her Daddy.
She likes to sleep with her "lovee" which is a pair of silky pajama pants that at one point belonged to me, but have since been commandeered by her.
She loves playing with Mckinley. She waits very anxiously in the mornings for her sister to wake up and play with her. They chase each other around the house all day long, making me crazy!
She loves to have stories read to her. She spends a lot of time looking at books on her own too.
She has such a feisty personality. She makes the most fearsome noises at us sometimes.
She can go up stairs, but coming down is a bit frightening as she thinks she can just take a step down without looking. So we have to barricade the stairs.

We love her so much! What a wonderful year we have had with this baby girl. I can't believe it has gone by so fast!

1 comment:

Melissa and Allen said...

One already!?!?! She's is a cutie. Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks! Happy Birthday Dolly!