Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Burnt Custard Pear Pie

I did try to take a picture of this pie that would make it look appetizing and lovely...Honestly I did. But then the smell of the pie took over and I don't know what happened from there. It's not much for lookin' at, that's for sure. But to taste this pie is heaven, I promise. I have even had some internal conflict about whether I should share the recipe or not. My generous self is winning out for now but I can't promise that I wont yield to my stingy side and delete this post tomorrow so copy it down today. That said, it's actually called Pear Pie, but I've found that when I've given this pie away as a gift, people have seen the ugly thing and thought "what did I do to deserve this? Am I going to die if I eat it?" So, I have officially changed the name to something that would suggest that, actually, this isn't a kitchen accident, it looks like this on purpose. It's not actually burnt at all. The burnt look comes from cinnamon carmelizing with sugar on the top of the pie. I can't imagine what fall would be like without this pie.

Burnt Custard Pear Pie
Makes 2 Pies

1/2 cup flour
2 cups sugar
1 tsp Nutmeg
2 tsp lemon juice
2 cups heavy whipping cream the old fashioned kind
2 frozen deep dish pie crusts (or make your own crust)
10-12 pears
Ground Cinnamon

Beginning by peeling and coring the pears and piling them into the pie crusts. Then in a bowl, mix the flour, sugar, nutmeg, lemon juice, and whipping cream. Pour over the top of the pears in the pies. Top each pie with a layer of cinnamon. This will form a thin crust when baked with the sugar and cream.
Bake at 425 for 30-40 minutes or until top edges of pie crust are dark golden.
*Pie will bubble over when baking, so put pies on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper while baking. You will be glad you did.

1 comment:

Melissa and Allen said...

LOOOOOVE this pie! And there is no point in being stingy on the recipe because I've already shared it with many! I'm so glad you shared it with me! I make it every fall and am completely in love with it. Have you figured out how to make it so it isn't so runny? Mine is always so runny. I don't even care though because it is heaven to the taste. I'm quite sure the angels eat it every single day.