Monday, September 26, 2011

Stopping to smell the roses

A while back, I made a flower pillow out of felt. This hair flower follows the same idea. To make this, I just traced 10 circles from the rim of a glass onto a piece of brown felt. I cut them out, and cut 5 of the circles in half. Then, using hot glue, I glued the half circles onto one of the full circles beginning at the outside and working in. The middle of the flower is just 2 of the circles folded in half, and then folded in half again. Glue it onto a hair clip and wear.

I always use to feel like I couldn't wear hair bows or flowers in my hair because it wasn't me for some reason. Now, although I still think that hair flowers are much cuter on my daughters than me, I've tried to wear them a little more often because they make me feel a little more young and carefree.

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