Sunday, August 31, 2008

Our little girl

Today I was feeling like I needed to "timeline" Mckinley. Sometimes, it feels like she changes so much everyday, and I just want to hold on to little things that she says or does and always remember them. There are so many of these little things that I've already forgotten because I haven't been very diligent in writing them down. So starting today, I will do better.
Everywhere we go, Mckinley takes her shoes off. We notice this especially when she goes to nursery. I always go back to check on her a few minutes after we take her, and it's always the first thing she does.
The past couple of weeks, she loves watching Cinderella. She has also started to sing some of the songs especially the "A dream is a wish...." song. She sings it in the bathtub, and when she is done singing all that she knows she says "oh that clock," like Cinderella says in the movie.
She loves Dragontales and Word world.
She adores Scooby and he is her best playmate during the day. She involves him in everything that she does, (Including dressing him up like a princess.) and she also frequently gets him in trouble.(A while ago she told him to come inside and watch a movie with her, which he did although he knows he isn't allowed in the house.)
The school bus stops in front of our house to pick up the neighbor kids every school day, and Mckinley is always up waiting at the window to see "the friends and the school bus."
Her current favorite food is sour cream...just plain. Disgusting huh? She says it's ice cream. David and I seriously convulse when she eats big bites of it, but she really loves it.
She loves going to "Donalds" with Grandpa.
Whenever she sees a water fountain, she asks for a penny to make a wish. She always closes her eyes and throws the penny in the water.
Whenever we go anywhere in the car, she has to haul several toys with her. She can't bear to leave her babies behind.

We love you so much Mckinley! You are our Angel!


Nikki said...

What a cute girl! I wish you lived closer so she and Marshall could be friends. He likes to eat sour cream plain, too and I have to leave the room and pretend it's not happening. What is up with that?!

Sister Michelle Summerhays said...

How cute! Not that I know from experience or anything, but I'm sure you will be so glad you have those things documented! She won't eat sour cream plain forever.

Murph said...

Random question...
How do you add a music player to your blog? K, bye!