Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Night!

We had such a fun Halloween this year. The weather was nice and warm, not even breezy. I also didn't have to work during the day, so that made it nice to be able to stay home and get the last things ready for costumes.
I promised you all that you would be scared when you found out what we were being for Halloween and, true to my word, you should be because David and I dressed up as Pligs! AaaaaaH! David really looked the part and, although I couldn't get my hair ratted up to Jesus enough, I did wear pants and running shoes under my skirt and the plainest shirt I could find. We also carried around several of Mckinleys dolls. We spent the whole night laughing because we thought that a lot of people didn't realize we were dressed up.
Mckinley dressed up as a ballerina and she looked so cute. She loved wearing her tutu and she was so cute trick or treating. She really got into it this year.

Our night started out with going over to my parents for the annual sloppy joe and homemade rootbeer dinner. So good as always.
Then, we went to dinner number two at Pizza Factory with some of our friends. These guys looked GOOD for Halloween! JJ and Valeena and their boys were a family of Batman characters. I didn't even recognize JJ when we saw him. Valeena was a very hot Catwoman, and Jesse and Elijah were both Batman.(Jesse was the new batman, and Elijah was the old school batman.) Very cute!

Brandon and Amanda were looking excellent also. Brandon was Beetlejuice and Amanda was Hannah Montana. It makes me feel old that Hannah Montana did not even come to my mind with Amanda. I really thought she was Barbie and the Rockers. She is way cuter than Hannah Montana anyway.

Derek and his wife Candy came also and they brought their adorable baby who was THE cutest pumpkin ever. Derek was dressed up as an army guy and Candy was an Angel/Devil. I loved Candy's costume. It was really original.

After dinner, everyone went to the Haunted Hospital. We actually didn't go because we wanted to take Mckinley around to trick or treat to some family members houses.
Halloween was so fun this year and Mckinley was old enough that she really liked it and wanted to do all the stuff we wanted to do too.

We took a picture at Pizza Factory of Derek, Brandon Jj and I because we are rookies with the fire department.
Mckinley and Sadie had fun playing with the karaoke machine at Mooney and Todds house. Sadie was so cute as a ladybug.

Mckinley could have also been an aerobics instructor for halloween when we took her tutu off.


Nikki said...

I've been checking to see if you've updated your blog all weekend because I was so excited to see what you thought up. I love it! I actually thought of doing that sometime! McKinley looked so cute! I love her skirt.

Sheri said...

Cute costumes! I must say though, that Mckinley's looks way way way cuter than all the others, yourself included. No hurt feelings, right? :)

Sister Michelle Summerhays said...

So fun! My sis-in-law also dressed up as a plig and she was telling me how everyone was giving her looks like "is she for real, or is that a costume or what??". Great idea! And McKinley looks adorable, as always!

Erica said...

Ok... you need to add like 20 more babies and 5 more women to make the plig thing believable! And McKinley should be wearing a potato sack. haha just kidding, I think you guys look GREAT! haha

Anonymous said...

How fun! Wish I were there. McKinley really makes a great little ballerina. I remember that costume. I think I was a ballerina for about 5 years in a row when I was little. Wish I could still trick or treat too!

Amber said...

So CUTE!!! I love McKinley!! And you guys looked awesome. When I first read it I was skimming and I thought you said PIGS so I was confused at why you looked like a pLig. Once I reread then I laughed hard. YOu guys looked great!