Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Years Resolutions

A little late, I know. But my New Years Resolutions are written down and I am working on keeping them. I think that 2009 is going to be a pretty good year.
So here is my list:

1) Floss my teeth daily.( I always have this as a resolution and I always inevitably realize I didn't keep my resolve when I'm sitting in the dentists chair regretting every soda pop and sour patch kid I've eaten for the past six months....But not this year!)
2) Prepare a nice Sunday dinner every sunday, with the table set. (The Chicken Pot Pie dinner we had last
Sunday doesn't count.)
3)Ration sugar to one treat per day. (This is practically going to be an identity change for me.)
4)Have a Baby!!!! We will see, but I'm really hoping.
5) Go to the Temple monthly.(Check out some new Temples this year.)
6)Read Scriptures daily.
7)Get my house decorated and keep it clean.
8)Pay off at least one Debt.
9)More quality time with McKinley.
10) Read at least one Book per month.

That's the list! Pretty typical for me, as I like to incorporate healthy living, religion and family goals into my resolutions.

something new that we also did this year, David and I both wrote down 5 fun things that we wanted to do this year, and then we drew out of a cup six winners. Some of them may not happen, but this time of year is about setting goals, not being too caught up in reality, right?
The six winners were:
1) Go to Arizona to visit Davids Parents for New Years: Check.
2) Go to a Ballet: Guess who picked this one?
3) Go on a shopping spree. (It may be a 20 dollar shopping spree, but it will be fun, fun, fun!)
4) Lake trip, with SKINNY DIPPING! Yup,we really are going to do it!
5) Hike the Narrows. (This may conflict with my plans for being pregnant.) If it does, maybe we will go to Mexico!
6) Go to Disneyland. This is Mckinley drawing out a paper. She drew out the shopping spree one.

I always love this time of year because there are so many things to look forward to in the upcoming year.


Anonymous said...

I always floss my teeth and let me tell you something, before I started flossing, I hadn't been to the dentist in 10 years. After I started flossing, well I've had two root canals and the last time I was at the dentist I was told that I have a mouth full of cavities and last year I had all of my cavities refilled. So, flossing isn't going to solve ANY problems. I've even been told I have fantastic tooth enamel, so I have no idea what the problem is. I don't believe you can do the one treat a day. Good luck! I stopped eating sugar for one week last year. ONE WEEK! I gave up. Candy is just toooooooo good. No raining on your parade! I truly have complete faith in you. But you are related to me.

Abby said...

You know what your problem is Sunni? You are on the Sugar diet!!! It's OK, it's not your fault. It's a genetic defect. But I am going to rise above this year. It's really not that hard. I didn't say I was giving sugar up, just picking one treat per day. My treat for today is Apples and a whole recipe of Caramel Apple Dip.

Eric and Brandi said...

I love all your resolutions! They make me want to come up with a few more. But It is true you are crazy for doing the flossing thing and only one candy per day!!! Your Nuts!! But I do have faith in you! Good Luck!

Sister Michelle Summerhays said...

I'm glad someone else is cutting back on sugar with me! I love your goals - and what a cute idea to draw fun things for the year out of a hat. I may have to steal that one...

Nikki said...

Those sound like great goals and fun things! I loooved hiking the narrows when I was a kid! I'll have to put that on my list, too.

Melissa and Allen said...

You guys are so fun. I want to be more like you. Sweet new years resolutions! Mine is always to floss too and I never do! How funny. Oh, and one treat for me a day too. Yeah right.

Abby said...

My treat for today is a 5 gallon tub caramel cone ice cream! David